Hi! There’s a new episode in the feed.
I’ll now be putting out an episode every other week or so! These are definitely a bit of a faster turnaround for me, but it’s been fun. And if you don’t like this one…the next one is going to be completely different!
This’s week’s transcript here:
In so many words, the episode is the answer to this (excellent) question: why don’t we have the closet from Clueless?

I swear, I had already been working on this story when Meecham tweeted this. It’s just that great minds think alike! And the answer is actually very fascinating.
This story weaves back and forth between people who have tried to make the app, and the people who made it in the original movie. It turns out it’s not an ai problem, or a problem with tech at all. It’s far more psychological. It’s this fundamental question of how we treat our closets, and what we want our collections of clothes to be.
I’m making these episodes mostly on my own this year. But I have to give thanks, as ever, to Helen She Wolf Tseng for the cover art, Rhae Royal for the soundtrack, Sasami for the theme song, Charles McFarlane for a round of edits, and Yooree Losordo for a listen. Also thanks to Dick Carroll for creating the Articles Of Interest crest, if you’re reading this on email. Isn’t that nifty?
Other Articles of Interest
I recently had the pleasure of meeting someone who was in Take Ivy! He brought along a copy of his book to show me. How great is that?
At Crowley Vintage (New York’s finest!) I discovered the beauty of a beautiful vintage umbrella. Sean Crowley actually refurbishes the ones he sells, so you don’t have to be delicate with them! But it’s also fun just hunting for them on etsy
My best friends got me this incredible lighter for my birthday and it has me thinking that every home should have a fun lighter.
How had I passed this laundromat for so many years without realizing that she is impeccable:
Ok, until soon. Brewing up the next one.
I’m glad you are back. This episode opened up a random memory of a computer game i loved as a kid (my mother was a computer teacher so i spent a lot of time trying out ‘educational’ games) called elroy’s costume closet. Basically you would operate those laundromat style conveyor belts to mix and match costumes for the characters before their big play ( with outfits like that, you’ll win a tony just walking on the stage!). It must have been released around the same time as clueless.
My best friend made a clueless closet app for her programming final!