May 5, 840, Louis of Bavaria dies seeing an eclipse. April 5, 2024, New Yorkers post memes about an earthquake. Is this evolution?

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Loved this piece as much as iI love Tintin which is a lot🌞🕶️🌑😎🌞

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Well, maybe he was shocked by the eclipse but he died June 20. The cause was probably stomach or esophageal cancer in connection with bronchitis

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ha good point- let me add that as a note. thank you!

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Such an interesting essay! Thanks Avery!

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Avery, you just rock. I loved this essay, I wish I could write as well as you do!

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If only we all could experience the awe and power of an eclipse on a scale of Louis of Bavaria's... For anyone interested in advice for how to amuse yourself through the next total solar eclipse (say, Greenland in 2026 or Egypt, 2027, where you get 6+ mins of totality among the pyramids) here's a top ten list: https://constantinemarkides.substack.com/p/eclipse-etiquette

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Very interesting! I was able to see the eclipse in totality for the first time today and it was such a neat experience!

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Are eclipses becoming more common? Or we just know where they are more often, and people can travel to watch?

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