Jun 5Liked by Articles Of Interest

Beautiful! I loved this episode. Perhaps my favorite podcast episode ever. It was a delightfully original perspective and, as a practicing Catholic, I felt it was quite moving. Quoting Hans ur von Balthasar is going deep!

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thank you so much!

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Jun 3·edited Jun 3Liked by Articles Of Interest

Long-time lurker, first time commenter. I deeply LOVE this episode because it reflects my own relationship with clothes. I got into cosplay because I wanted to BE the characters, and I was able to have a deeper appreciation of cloth, notions, patternmashing, sewing, stitch types, etc. I went from beauty of the clothes, to the goodness of sewing construction, to truth of the character.

It's the same thing for my fascination with 1390s - 1400s medieval women's clothing. It's a deeply specific timeperiod and the answer of "why that decade" is shallow: I LIKED that style most. The reason for my admiration of Christine de Pizan is, admittedly, less about her, and more because I picked the timeperiod she lived in to study for clothes. I started with Lord of the Rings fashion and Pre-Raphaelite medieval fashion (although that harkens more to a 11th - 13th century Bliaut), then I wanted to discover the ~historically accurate versions~ and it's really led me down a rabbit hole of, "Well, how was this constructed? What textiles, what professions helped make this?" and then gone deeper to, "Who were these people? What were their lives like, depending on their social class? What world orders/frames of reference did they inhabit? How did that influence their decision-making and the world they created that we now look back on and read about as history?" It's helped me have a deeper appreciation of who my ancestors were and how they shaped where we are now.

Thank you SO much for this episode. Just truly loved it a lot. <3

Good luck with the book writing - can't wait to see what it's about!

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May 29Liked by Articles Of Interest

Just caught this episode yesterday and LOVED it, thank you. (Very lapsed Catholic here). I also shared it with one of my uncles, who used to be a priest until he reverted back to a secular job; he did a lot of *nodding sagely* when you described the connotations of the Roman chasuble.

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May 25Liked by Articles Of Interest

I'll miss yout podcasts but so excited for the book!

I grew up Eastern Orthodox, which is decidedly even fancier (or more false idol-ly) than Roman Catholic. Look up their vestments! Different colors for each season: purple for Lent, white for Pascha (Easter), green for Pentecost. Huge collars, cuffs, stoles...the works!

Or watch My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Not quite the same as Eastern church, but you'll get the idea. Absolutely gorgeous.

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Jun 16Liked by Articles Of Interest

Your best episode yet! I’m not religious, but I found this fascinating. I especially enjoyed hearing from all the experts - both the wearers and maker. Well Done!

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Maybe you have already seen it but there is a documentary called "Into Great Silence" about a Trappist monastery in France (I think) and it details all the activities that the monks are engaging with each day. There are some beautiful sequences of the tailor shop - showing the monk cutting the wool to make habits for new initiates. The tailor workshop itself is beautiful as well. It's a silent order so there is very very little talking in the film (and no narration), and it's 3 hours - but if you like seeing how monks spend their days doing almost pre-industrial labor it's pretty great.

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Wow I love the idea of the denim archive!

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This topic is 100% at the center of the Venn Diagram of all my personal fascinations, and it did NOT disappoint. Thanks Avery. This was wonderful.

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I grew up at the Met opera and was always obsessed with the priest costumes!

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Great episode! As a lapsed Catholic I am fascinated, and still drawn to the ritual and "show" of the church and it's rich cultural history.

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Avery, I’m so sad I can’t listen to you in my ears anymore! This episode was great and so interesting! I will miss you terribly!

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Oh my goodness, it was just yesterday that I got confused on the train about whether a person with a large beard in dress was a monk or just a regular non-monastery affiliated beard dress person slaying! They had a cute matching straw hat too, it was incredible. Made my day, really inspiring fashion choices on them, honestly! I hope brother slay has a great day.

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You should do one episode on all the possible headgears used in the world

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Had to come here the moment I saw Hillary Clinton's caftan at the Tony's! https://deadline.com/2024/06/hillary-clinton-tony-awards-message-vote-1235975326/

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To anyone interested, I highly recommend checking out the choir robes and Sunday best in the Black church. You won't be disappointed!

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